Former Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina, Senior Economic Advisor. World Bank

  • Regular speaker on economic trends for emerging economies at international conferences in the US, Europe, Latin America and Asia
  • He was President of the Central Bank of Argentina between 2004 and 2010
  • Member of the Dispute Sehlement Unit - World Trade Organization
  • Senior Economic Advisor. World Bank
  • Was responsible of the trade and international economic policy of Argentina as Secretary of Trade and Economic Relationships
  • Former President of the National Securities Comission
  • He is the author of five books

Martín Redrado is a rare blend of thinker and international policy maker, specialized in emerging markets.

He is professor of International Economics at Catholic University of Buenos Aires and the Chairman of Fundacion Capital, a leading institution focused on economic research and public policy design. He is also partner at MR Financial Services, a consulting firm regarding advisory on financial ventures and strategists in emerging markets.

Nowadays, he spends quite of his professional time as a frequent lecturer on several forums throughout Asia, Europe, United States, Africa and Latin America, regarding topics such as Global Economics & Emerging Markets, Finance & Investing and Economic Forecasts

From 2004 to 2010 he served as Governor of the Central Bank of Argentina. He set up the monetary and financial framework that steered the country out of the worst economic crisis in its history. Moreover, his policies and determination were instrumental in allowing Argentina to overcome successfully the world financial collapse of 2008-2009.

He took the first steps in his professional career in 1985 as a member of Jeffrey Sachs’ team, implementing the Bolivian stabilization program. In the following five years, he worked in the United States, for Salomon Brothers, where he provided advisory services during the privatization and initial public offerings of British Airways, British Gas and Compagnie Financière de Suez and helped arrange the first placement of warrants of a Spanish company on the international market. He was also a Managing Director at Security Pacific Bank, where he directed the Employee Stock Ownership Program for Enersis (Chile) and the placement of major Mexican private companies’ eurobonds on international capital markets and provided consultancy services for the restructuring of Teléfonos de México SA. He also swapped over $2 billion in LDC debt for equity in Brazil, Chile, Argentina and Mexico.

While he pursued his private sector career, he was invited by the Government on several occasions to act as a civil servant. In 1991 he was appointed Chairman of the Securities Commission where, among other achievements, he designed the new regulatory framework for the domestic capital market. He was elected Chairman of the International Organization of Securities Commissions (IOSCO)’s Emerging Market Committee. In 1994 he founded the Fundación Capital, an institution devoted to economic research and public policy design. As Chief Economist of Fundación Capital, until 2001, Redrado has created a Center of Economic Research that provides current research on trends and prospects in the global economy.

Between January 2002 and September 2004 he was the Trade Representative of Argentina. In this post, he developed a multipolar strategy, allowing the country to conclude trade agreements with several countries.

He is the author of several books: “Time of challenges” (1994) and “How to survive globalization” (1999), which describes the globalization of Argentina’s economy and sets out a path to maintain growth in the next century; ““Exporting for growth” (2003) which explains the development of an export-oriented economy in Latin America, and the recently published “No reserves, a limit to absolute power” (2010) in which he explores the nuances of policy-making in emerging economies, and also gives a compelling account of how his career was jeopardized when he took a stand against reckless policies.

Martin tailors each presentation to the needs of his audience and is not limited to the topics listed below. Please ask us about any subject that interests you:

  • Economic Outlook 
  • Mega trends in Emerging Markets
  • Latin America & Asia: opportunities
  • Policy Challenges in Latin America
  • Argentina: economic outlook
  • Fiscal and Monetary Policy
  • International Policy: external credit
  • The future of currencies: the post-crisis monetary and financial system implication for business
  • New Challenges for the financial industry

Mr Redrado’s conferences stand out due to his dynamism and clarity, as well as due to his ability to adapt to diferent audiencies without loosing his potential and insightfull views. Among his usual topics outstand:

A New Era for Argentina

Martín Redrado, former President of the Central Bank of Argentina, addresses the economic challenges facing Argentina, including high inflation, fiscal deficit, and exchange control. Among his proposals, he highlights the need to implement a shock to stabilize and promote economic growth, advocating for a comprehensive approach that encompasses all areas of the economy. Redrado emphasizes the importance of having a solid plan backed by laws (which includes reforms in the tax system, exports, Central Bank, social policies, and foreign relations policies) to ensure its long-term sustainability.

Policy Challenges in Latin America

From an objective and insightful thinking through his vast experience, Martin Redrado highlights the major events that shape the economic situation of Latin American countries, the differential impact of global trends and the unique characteristics of the region as part of the emerging world, with a short and medium term view.

Challenges and Opportunities in regional and multirregional integration

His broad experience in multilateral organizations and leading trade and financial negotiations allow him to be a key voice in identifying opportunities for trade integration as well as in the assesment of main risks and uncertainties.


Scenarios for Emerging Economies.

His specialization in emerging economies makes him a key opinion to identify main growth bottlenecks and growth enhancers in this changing world. The role of emerging markets and major global trends’ impact, as well as local and international determinants and resilience to different shocks, are just some of the usual talking points in his presentations.


The global financial system, a view from Latin America

Frequently consulted by policy makers and entrepreneurs, being a specialist in the financial sector makes his vision of global financial environment an asset for public and private decision- makers. He is able to provide, not only a clear and informed view of the current situation, but also of major trends regarding the evolution of currencies, capital flows, key assets, portfolio decistions and strategic investment strategies for short, medium and long term.


New Challenges for the financial industry

His unique experience makes him a leading expert in the analysis of the financial industry. In particular, analysis of the current state of affairs, opportunities, strengths, risks and threats.

Commodity markets evolution: current trends and perspectives

Specializing in agricultural raw materials, his knowledge of global trends in trade, global production and main determinants of agricultural markets and commodities make him an authorized view of a historical review, current trends and perspectives of raw materials worldwide.

  • Travels from: Buenos Aires, Argentina

  • Fee Range: USD 20.000 to USD 30.000