Renowned economist who predicted the 'credit crunch'. Professor of Economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business

  • One of the most respected and influential economists in the world
  • Cofounder and Chairman, Roubini Global Economics
  • Professor of Economics & International Business at NYU's Stern School of Business
  • Extensive policy experience as well as broad academic credentials
  • Has published numerous theoretical, empirical and policy papers on international macroeconomic issues
  • Former senior economist for international affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors

One of the most respected and influential economists in the world, Nouriel Roubini provides an insightful look at what is ahead for the US and global economy.

Nouriel Roubini is the Chairman and CEO of Roubini Macro Associates, LLC, his own global macroeconomic and strategy consultancy firm. He is also a professor of economics at New York University’s Stern School of Business. Dr. Roubini has extensive policy experience as well as broad academic credentials. From 1998 to 2000, he served as the senior economist for international affairs on the White House Council of Economic Advisors and then the senior advisor to the undersecretary for international affairs at the U.S. Treasury Department, helping to resolve the Asian and global financial crises, among other issues. The International Monetary Fund, the World Bank and numerous other prominent public and private institutions have drawn upon his consulting expertise.

He has published numerous theoretical, empirical and policy papers on international macroeconomic issues and coauthored the books “Political Cycles: Theory and Evidence” (MIT Press, 1997) and “Bailouts or Bail-ins? Responding to Financial Crises in Emerging Markets” (Institute for International Economics, 2004) and “Crisis Economics: A Crash Course in the Future of Finance” (Penguin Press, 2010). Dr. Roubini’s views on global economic issues are widely cited by the media, and he is a frequent commentator on various business news programs. He has been the subject of extended profiles in the New York Times Magazine and other leading current affairs publications. The Financial Times has also provided extensive coverage of Dr. Roubini’s perspectives.

Dr. Roubini received an undergraduate degree at Bocconi University in Milan, Italy, and a doctorate in economics at Harvard University. Prior to joining Stern, he was on the faculty of Yale University’s department of economics.

  • U.S Economic Outlook
  • Long Term Changes and Trends in the Global Economy
  • Geopolitical Risks in the Global Economy
  • Downside and Upside Risks in the Global Economy
  • Rise of the Machines, the Future of Work/Employment, Globalization and Inequality
  • Art as a New Asset Class and the Need for Regulation of the Art Market
  • Backlash from globalization
  • Fundamentals of macroeconomics
  • Fiscal policy

Upsides and Downsides in the Global Economy and Financial Markets

The outlook for the global economy and financial markets is mixed. The positives and upside include a pick-up in global growth after years of a new mediocre, profitable corporate firms, better business and consumer confidence, more optimistic investors with markets in risk-on mode, the rise of emerging markets, new technologies and innovation. The downside, however, are several: uncertainties about Trumponomics, the risks of European and Eurozone dis-integration, the potential for a hard landing of highly indebted China, the sluggish global growth and productivity in a world of high private and public debts, the frothiness in financial markets and the risks of assets and credit bubbles fed by easy monetary policies, the backlash against globalization and geopolitical risks. Markets are now bullish, but the economies are still sluggish. Roubini argues that a new policy framework is needed to minimize the downsides and maximize the upsides.

Globalization, Technology and Their Discontents

There recently has been a populist backlash against globalization in its many manifestations: free trade, migration, technological innovation and supra-national governance. This backlash is also associated with the rise in income and wealth inequality and the concerns that large parts of populations have seen their jobs and incomes threatened by the various elements of globalization. At the same time robotics, AI and automation may over time threaten lower skilled blue collar workers, as well as white collar jobs and wages even more than trade and migration. How severe is this backlash and its political manifestations in the form of the rise of populist leaders? Are protectionism, trade wars and sharp restrictions to migration the new norm or can globalization be improved and saved? Is the future of AI utopian or dystopian for workers? What are the appropriate policy responses to make sure globalization benefits most - rather than a few? Roubini provides a roadmap and answers to these questions.

Geopolitical Risks in the Global Economy

In this all-encompassing presentation, leading economist Nouriel Roubini surveys the geopolitical risks in the global economy that could affect markets in the next several years. Roubini also shares insights on how to resolve global economic, financial, trade, investments and geopolitical issues in a G-Zero world where the U.S. is no longer the dominant hyper-power, and where a number of other powers are on the rise.