Leading expert in digital transformation. Advisor to governments and companies. Mentor and investor in startups

Diego Molano is worldwide expert in ICT policy and innovation. He served as Minister of Information Technology and Communications (ICT) of Colombia between 2010 - 2015. During his administration he launched the plan “Vive Digital” which aimed to reduced pov-erty and generate employment through the mass use of technology. 

During his lead as ICT Minister Colombia connected, 4G- LTE, optical fiber and broadband networks reached all municipalities, even those in the middle of the Amazon jungle. Internet coverage increased among citizens in low- income and rural areas. 

Still now a day, education, health and government services are being transformed through the use of ICT, and also increase the scope and efficiency of these services. 

One of Minister Molano biggest achievements was achieving universal inclusion in the use of ICT, reaching not only the low-income population but also the disabled, the elderly and people living in remote areas.

Diego Molano has a long career in the technology industry, including senior management positions in multinational companies such as Ascom (Switzerland), BellSouth (now AT & T) in the US and Telefonica in Spain. He has also had responsibilities in more than 26 coun-tries. He has served as a member of the board of international organizations and telecom-munications companies, television, radio and postal services. His experience and leader-ship in innovation policies have been recognized worldwide by large organizations such as GSMA, the United Nations, the Organization of American States and publications such as The Wall Street Journal and The Washington Post. He is a regular speaker at international forums such as the World Economic Forum.

Molano is an electronic engineer and economist from Pontificia Universidad Javeriana in Colombia and holds an MBA from IMD in Switzerland.

  • ICT policy and innovation
  • Regulation and technology
  • Internet’s Social Impact
  • Internet’s economy
  • Entrepreneurship
  • Public – Private partnerships
  • Technology and development 
  • Technology and regulation 

Technology and poverty reduction 

What are the challenges and opportunities that governments are facing because of technology? Is technology a real social tool? The Colombian case of “Vive Digital” illustrates how the Colombian government decided to launch a digital revolution with a social purpose. He presents the digital ecosystem of supply and demand that was launched as a virtuous circle that fed on alliances between regional governments and the private sector to promote the use of technology use is presented.

ICT policy and innovation  

Do science, technology and innovation share the same challenges? What should be the role of government and the private sector in these processes? How is innovation measured? What is the role of technology in innovation? And, what role do politicians have in innovation? Molano has this debate with a global perspective and taking into account differences in the development process of countries.

Internet’s Economy

Where is economy heading? What will happen to employment? What talent we need? How to encourage investment by telecommunications operators in a digital economy? What should be regulated and how to regulate? How to protect a costumer in a global digital economy? How to massify online payments? How to generate a digital economy that benefits the poorest? And, how to consider privacy and protection of personal data with a Big Data economy?  Based on this concerns, Molano provides an overview of the impact of the digital economy in different sectors

  • Travel from: Washington D.C., USA

  • Fee Colombia: Over COP 25.000.001

  • International: USD 10.001 a USD 20.000