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A leading authority on technology, transformation and leadership, with a uniquely global perspective

Mike Walsh is the CEO of Tomorrow, a global consultancy on designing companies for the 21st century. For the past twenty years, he has been a leading authority on disruptive innovation, digital transformation and new ways of thinking. A global nomad, futurist and author of three bestselling books, Mike advises some of the world’s biggest organizations on reinvention and change in this new era of machine intelligence.

A prolific writer and commentator, Mike’s views have appeared in a wide range of international publications including Inc. Magazine, BusinessWeek, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal. A regulator contributor to the Harvard Business Review, his articles explore a wide range of cutting-edge leadership topics including data-driven decision making, agile organizations, algorithmic management and AI ethics. Each week Mike interviews provocative thinkers, innovators and troublemakers on his podcast, Between Worlds. 

Mike’s latest book, The Algorithmic Leader offers a hopeful and practical guide for reinventing leadership and organizations. The book has been a global hit and is now available in Chinese, Japanese, Korean, German, Polish and Russian. In 2019, The Algorithmic Leader was selected to be given to the world leaders and executive attendees of the Ambrosetti Global Forum at Villa d'Este in Cernobbio, Italy. 

Futuretainment, Mike’s first book, was published by Phaidon and was the winner of the design award by the Art Director’s Club in New York. Released in 2009, it predicted how the smartphone would reshape the media and marketing industry, and the imminent rise of social media, digital influencers, streaming entertainment and the Metaverse.

In The Dictionary of Dangerous Ideas, published in 2014, Mike anticipated breakthroughs in micro satellite networks, cryptocurrencies, remote work, digital protest movements, life extension technologies, self-driving cars, drones, digital biology and the commercialization of space.  

A dynamic and engaging keynote speaker, Mike has given over a thousand talks over the last decade, from strategic briefings for the boards of companies like Verizon and Raytheon, to an employee summit for a healthcare corporation that filled a sports stadium with an audience of over 25,000 people. In addition to both in-person and virtual presentations, Mike also works with enterprise learning and development leaders to create compelling programs to up-skill teams for a world of AI-powered competition.

Mike's personal manifesto: "Everything is changing. How we live, how we work and how we play. But to understand the future you need to focus on anthropology (the study of human beings) not technology. After all, as interesting as it is when things change, the real magic happens when people do."

Rather than focusing on the distant future, Mike takes an anthropological approach - scan-ning the near horizon for emerging technologies and disruptive shifts in human behavior, and then translating these into pragmatic plans for digital transformation. A prolific writer and commentator, Mike’s views have appeared in a wide range of international publications including BusinessWeek, Forbes and the Wall Street Journal.

Constantly traveling the world for the best ideas, Mike spends more than 300 days a year on the road interviewing innovators, entrepreneurs and corporate revolutionaries to provide his clients and audiences with a fresh and compelling vision of tomorrow’s opportunities. 

Mike has delivered close to a thousand keynote speeches around the world to companies in almost every industry. His customized presentations leave audiences prepared and inspired to transform the way they do business.

Mike tailors each presentation to the needs of his audience and is not limited to the topics listed below. Please ask us about any subject that interests you:

  • Future Trends
  • Leadership
  • Consumer Behavior
  • Change
  • Talent Management
  • Sales Growth
  • Innovation
  • Marketing
  • Data-driven decision making
  • Agile organizations
  • Algorithmic management 
  • AI ethics

Mike Walsh is a dynamic and innovative keynote speaker who can deliver a powerful vision of the future for your customers, your company and your industry. Here is what you can expect when you work with Mike for your next event: 

  1. Tailored Research

Drawing on his experiences advising global Fortune 500 companies, Mike will take a deep dive into your industry and company and identify the specific trends driving change for you and your customers.
Next Actions
Just as important as knowing what's coming next, is knowing what to do next. After each presentation, Mike offers audiences practical recommendations and simple steps to immediately take action on the insights discussed.
Mind Grenades
Mind Grenades are provocative, challenging questions designed to prompt further discussion and reflection. Mike shares a number of these for attendees to take back to their teams to inspire change. 
Expect videos, music and thought-provoking visuals as part of a cinematic-like experience that your audience will be talking about for years to come.

New Rules For A New World

A fast-paced keynote organized around a series of provocative rules and tangible takea-ways for the post-pandemic world. This talk is perfect for leaders and professionals who want to understand and take action in this newly accelerated, AI-powered environment.

The pandemic not only changed our way of life, it accelerated the arrival of a radical new future of business. While for many of us hybrid work is a new and unexpected challenge -  it is just the start of a much bigger transformation set to reshape the nature of organizations themselves. 

This is a new world, and one that will run on very new rules. Whether it be engaging customers through digital channels or leveraging AI, algorithms and automation to reinvent how we deliver value - we are likely to experience in the next decade, a century’s worth of change. Not every organization will make it, but those that do will never be the same again. And for leaders, now more than ever, it is a time to upgrade their capabilities, embrace new technologies, and reimagine what they do.

Mike Walsh's keynote presentation will offer audiences an insight into the organizations and leaders that are successfully navigating this period of change, and how to create a play-book for their own transformation. Becoming future-proof is more than just about getting through a crisis - it is about being ready for the new world that awaits us on the other side.

In this keynote, attendees will learn:

  • Why there is no such thing as digital disruption, just digital delivery
  • Why there is no remote work, just work
  • Why AI is not here to destroy our jobs, but it will change them

The Future Favors The Bold 

An inspiring deep dive into the mindset, habits and practices of innovative leadership teams. Ideal for sales teams and advisors, this session explores what it takes to push trans-formation forward, even in periods of great uncertainty and rapid change.

What Leaders Need To Know About The Metaverse

The topic that everyone is talking right now. More than just a basic explainer, Mike focuses on the pragmatic opportunities relevant to your audience and what the latest Metaverse acquisitions, partnerships, and technologies might mean for how they engage their future customers and employees.

Designing Your Business For The 21st Century

Ideally suited as a workshop format, this highly interactive and personalized session is based around Mike's 'Seven Transformation Drivers' and provides a framework for leadership teams to plan their journey of digital reinvention.

Most companies are simply not designed to survive. They become successful on the basis of one big idea or breakthrough product - but then fail to evolve and change. One out of three public companies will cease to exist in their current form over the next five years. The companies that will thrive in the near future are the ones not only embracing change but breaking the rules.

Companies built to survive the future are no accident. They are a result of deliberate business design decisions smart leaders are making today. In his ongoing research on the world’s most innovative companies, Mike has organized these decisions into strategic priorities - that he will explore with audiences as a roadmap for their own reinvention.

Walsh will outline the forces shaping the future of business and consumer behaviour, and the lessons learned from successful Fortune 500 companies on leveraging disruptive innovation, adopting a data-driven mindset and leading change through digital transformation.

In this keynote, attendees will learn:

  • How to leverage technology, and data to become truly AI-powered
  • How to make culture your operating system and redesign the way your teams work
  • How to become a better data-driven decision maker, and reimagine your role as a leader

The Rise Of Generation AI

Forget Millennials; it is their kids you need to worry about. This fun and thought-provoking session is ideal for organizations who want to explore the demographics and mindsets of the generation of customers and how they will shape the future of marketing, content, and experience design.

The Algorithmic Leader

For fans of Mike's most recent bestselling book, this keynote explores the key themes, case studies, and takeaways behind his vision for tomorrow's leaders, the AI-powered organizations they will build, and the cognitive tools they will need to do so.

We live in an age of wonder - cars that drive themselves, platforms that anticipate our needs, and robots capable of everything from advanced manufacturing to complex surgery. Automation, algorithms and AI are transforming not only business, but every facet of daily life. While many fear that robots will take their jobs, the rise of machine intelligence begs a more important question: what is the true potential of human intelligence in the 21st century?

In this dynamic keynote, Mike Walsh, futurist and author will present a vivid portrait of a brave new world orchestrated by machines that think, and how tomorrow's leaders can upgrade their capabilities to survive and thrive in an age of accelerating technology.

Audiences will walk away with an insight into the companies, technologies and global forces shaping the age of machine intelligence, as well as a set of tailored next actions on how to redesign their organizations, reimagine their roles and reinvent the way they make decisions.

In this keynote, attendees will learn:

  • Why competing in an age of AI requires a radically new approach to delivering data-driven experiences and personalized services.
  • What it takes to accelerate your journey to becoming an AI-powered organization, and how to lead a successful process of digital transformation.
  • How to unlock the new skills, capabilities and mindsets that your leaders will need to survive and thrive in the future

The 10 principles are:

  1. Work backward from the future
  2. Aim for 10x, not 10%
  3. Think computationally
  4. Embrace uncertainty
  5. Make culture your operating system
  6. Don’t work, design work
  7. Automate and elevate
  8. If the answer is X, ask Y
  9. When in doubt, ask a human
  10. Solve for purpose, not just profit

The 7 Drivers Of Transformation

Your customers are changing. Your competitors are circling. Your employees are evolving. Without a plan for transformation, your business is living on borrowed time. In his research on the world's most innovative companies, Mike Walsh has identified seven drivers of successful transformation. 

The seven strategic drivers are as follows:

  1. People - engaging the next generation of customers and co-workers.
  2. Marketing - figuring out the new marketing model.
  3. Culture – understanding ‘Network Capital’ and today’s employee engagement crisis.
  4. Technology - re-imagining the role of IT in the enterprise.
  5. Innovation - exploring new frameworks for disruptive thinking.
  6. Global - building your business to world scale.
  7. Leadership - becoming a data-driven leader.

Whether you’re seeking a keynote speaker for a conference, a facilitator for a strategy workshop or a fresh perspective for a boardroom discussion, Mike's presentations act as a powerful catalyst for innovation, ingenuity and inspiration.

If there is something more specific that you have in mind, Mike will be happy to work you in an advisory role. With two decades of experience providing research and strategic consulting services to the global Fortune 500, Mike Walsh can partner with you directly on an entirely custom topic of your choice.

  • Travels from: New York, USA
  • Fee Range: USD 40.000 to USD 60.000