Peabody Award-winning Journalist, Bestselling Author, Entrepreneur, Inspiring Storyteller, and Host/Moderator

  • On a mission to help people supercharge their careers, their workplace cultures, and their happiness by embracing the power of authenticity
  • She became a national news anchor and correspondent, earning a Peabody Award for reporting which took her from Haiti to Hong Kong to the Syrian border
  • The success of her TEDx talk, “What Makes YOU Special?”, viewed over 25 million times, catapulted Mariana into a new storytelling outlet: speaking
  • Her first book, Perfectly You: Embracing the Power of Being Real, is a bestselling call to action to unleash the magic of personal and professional authenticity 

Mariana Atencio is on a mission to help people supercharge their careers, their workplace cultures, and their happiness by embracing the power of authenticity. Coming to America from Venezuela as a young girl, Mariana learned first-hand how feeling self-conscious about being different kept her from engaging. After graduating Columbia University, Mariana want-ed to take that experience into her journalism career and tell stories that build bridges and foster understanding. She became a national news anchor and correspondent, earning a Peabody Award for reporting which took her from Haiti to Hong Kong to the Syrian border. The success of her TEDx talk, “What Makes YOU Special?”, viewed over 25 million times, catapulted Mariana into a new storytelling outlet: speaking. Her first book, Perfectly You: Embracing the Power of Being Real, is a bestselling call to action to unleash the magic of personal and professional authenticity to find purpose and break barriers. Currently head of her own media production company, Mariana pursues stories that capture her curiosity. She also continues to deliver inspiring keynotes and moderate/host at major events.

Mariana tailors each presentation to the needs of her audience and is not limited to the topics we have listed below:

  • The Power of Authenticity
  • Inspiration & Motivation
  • What Makes You Unique?
  • Embracing Change 
  • Leadership/Teamwork
  • Resilience 
  • Empathy & Understanding 
  • Belonging & Inclusivity
  • Breaking Stereotypes 
  • Building Community & Trust 
  • Hispanic/Latinx Heritage
  • Women’s Empowerment 
  • Moderating/Hosting 


It takes seven seconds for people to form an opinion about you. That’s why most of us are taught to fit in a box instead of embracing those parts of ourselves that stand out. As a budding national TV journalist, Mariana was often encouraged to leave parts of herself at the door. But ‘covering’ did not lead to real belonging, especially in the workplace. Embracing her uniqueness did – and Mariana’s passion is empowering others to discover how to do the same. When people feel safe to be themselves, that authenticity builds trust, fulfillment, and credibility at work and in life. They’re able to embrace a mindset of transformation to meet change more resiliently. And leaders find fostering authenticity on their team spurs engagement, collaboration, innovation, and community.

This presentation can be tailored to each specific audience.

Sample takeaways:

  • Why most of us find it so hard to be authentic, especially at work
  • Discover the traits that make you “Perfectly You” and harness them
  • One way to increase your personal fulfillment and a sense of purpose
  • How being vulnerable inspires others, builds trust, and creates meaningful relation-ships
  • Mariana’s 3-UP METHOD to inspire a workplace culture of innovation and openness
  • Easy steps to cultivate transformation, impact outcomes, and enhance resilience in the face of change


With experience as a national network news anchor and reporter, Mariana brings warmth and intelligence to each hosting, moderating, and interviewing assignment. Mariana’s curios-ity and poise help her get the most out of those on stage with her.

The breadth of Mariana’s experience speaks to her versatility. She’s moderated conversa-tions on embracing a mindset for change at Microsoft, on the rights of women in Iran, on gender inequality at Foreign Policy magazine’s HERPower summit, on media representation at the Paley Center for Media, on financial literacy at Nasdaq, on building a personal and professional brand at Columbia University, a panel on geopolitics and economics at Citi Pri-vate Bank’s autumn dialogues with three heads of state from Latin America, a session at the United Nations General Assembly meeting on global healthcare inequity, plus the Congres-sional Hispanic Caucus, PepsiCo, JP Morgan, Accenture, Spotify, Google, YouTube, Clorox, AT&T, Spectrum, and more.

  • Travels from: Miami, USA
  • International: USD 20.001 to USD 30.000

*Fee Range:

Fee ranges listed on this website are intended to serve as a guideline. Please note: if a speaker has a fee range listed such as USD 20.000 to USD 40.000, it indicates that the fee falls within that range. Speakers’ fees are subject to change without notice. Fees often vary based on several factors, including speaker’s availability, length of presentation, supply and demand, and event location, among others. Please contact us with your specific event details and requirements, and we will provide you with a precise quote.