Estrategia en un mundo de disrupción. Trabajó 12 años en Deloitte como Estratega de Innovación y autor best-seller

  • Un estratega que opera entre la intersección de creatividad, negocios y tecnología
  • Enseña a las organizaciones cómo generar disrupción antes de que sufran la disrupción
  • Se enfoca en aplicar tecnologías exponenciales y nuevos modelos de negocio a empresas maduras
  • Ha trabajado con cientos de organizaciones en su camino hacia la transformación digital
  • Para navegar a través de tiempos disruptivos, necesitamos líderes implacables que hagan de lo digital parte de su negocio principal
  • Es socio de Queen & Rook, donde asesora a organizaciones y a ejecutivos líderes sobre tendencias disruptivas e invierte en empresas en etapa inicial
  • Es el primer experto en innovación en tener un especial de streaming, que complementa y comparte el nombre de su exitoso libro debut, The Bold Ones 

Mundialmente reconocido estratega de innovación y autor de best-seller, Shawn Kanungo trabaja en la intersección de la creatividad, los negocios y la tecnología. Estuvo12 años en Deloitte trabajando en estrecha colaboración con líderes para ayudarlos a planificar mejor las oportunidades asociadas con la innovación disruptiva. En sus conferencias, Kanungo se basa en su amplia experiencia para brindar al público una hoja de ruta optimista para el futuro; una que adopta enfoques inesperados de la innovación para seguir siendo competitivo y relevante.

Después de Deloitte, Kanungo ha trabajado con cientos de organizaciones en su viaje hacia la transformación digital. Ha dirigido proyectos complejos que incorporan inteligencia artificial, tecnologías en la nube, economía del comportamiento, Web3 y más. Hoy, Kanungo es socio de Queen & Rook, donde asesora a organizaciones y a ejecutivos líderes sobre tendencias disruptivas e invierte en empresas en etapa inicial.

Kanungo es el primer experto en innovación en tener un especial de streaming, lanzado en Apple TV y Prime Video en agosto de 2023. Complementa y comparte el nombre de su exitoso libro debut, The Bold Ones, un manual para que las personas se vuelvan más audaces y impulsen sus carreras y organizaciones hacia adelante. Ha sido aclamado como uno de los principales libros de toma de decisiones de McKinsey para líderes. El trabajo de Kanungo también ha sido destacado en el Globe and Mail, The Guardian, CBC y CTV.

Un prolífico creador de contenido ha obtenido millones de visitas en LinkedIn, TikTok, YouTube y Facebook en sus publicaciones sobre innovación. Su libro debut, The Bold Ones (Los Audaces), ofrece una guía de jugadas para que las personas se vuelvan más audaces e impulsen sus carreras y empresas. The Bold Ones ha sido promocionado como uno de los principales libros de toma de decisiones de McKinsey para líderes.

Shawn Kanungo adapta cada presentación a las necesidades de su audiencia y no se limita a los temas que se enumeran a continuación. Por favor consúltanos sobre cualquier tema que te interese:

  • Inteligencia Artificial - IA
  • Tendencias del futuro
  • Nuevos Modelos de Negocio
  • Innovación
  • Liderazgo
  • Transformación Digital 

Shawn has been on the ground floor helping hundreds of clients on the art of strategy & innovation. As a keynote speaker, Shawn’s talks are packed with insightful anecdotes based on his own experiences, provocative concepts, and most importantly, actionable strategies. With his unique mix of charisma, humor, storytelling and motivation, Shawn brings a radically different take on disruption.

In 2018, Shawn was recognized as one of Inc’s Top 100 Innovative Leadership speakers. Shawn performs over 60+ keynotes annually across all sectors and industries.

The Age of Infinity - Generative AI & Our Future

We are on the brink of a revolution based on the meteoric rise of Generative AI, most notably ChatGPT. These exponential technologies are transforming the way we communicate, collaborate, and create, revolutionizing industries around the world. However, when everyone has an AI co-pilot, who will stand out? Shawn Kanungo argues that we need more freaks — leaders that are both unique and bold.

With the rise of generative AI, cloud technologies, and remote talent, we’re entering into an age of infinite leverage where our work can be replicated at no cost, and we don’t need permission to get started. As a result, we can build exponential organizations — a new breed of businesses that can be more nimble, flexible, and highly leveraged.

In this provocative and counter-intuitive keynote, Kanungo dives deep into the age of artificial intelligence and infinite leverage. He explores why this will shape the future, and how it will impact culture, business, technology, and individuals. Ultimately, the future will favour the freaks.

#1 - Strategy in a World of Disruption

The business world has fundamentally changed forever. The growth and adoption of new technologies is at a dizzying pace. Customer and employee expectations have been pushed forward 10 years due to the pandemic. We are now looking for organizations to be fearless in a changing world.
These drivers are forcing everyone to reimagine their entire organizations. How do we survive? How do we disrupt ourselves before someone else does? How do we deliver better experiences to our clients, customers, and teams? Today, we need to be bold, brave and experimental.
In this awe-inspiring talk, Shawn Kanungo provides an optimistic roadmap for the future. He explores how we can take unexpected approaches to innovation to remain competitive and relevant.

#2 - Bold Ones – How to Innovate & Disrupt Ourselves

The world is getting weirder, wackier and wilder by the minute. It has never been more crucial to adapt and evolve with the times. Yet, when faced with radical change, we tend to double down on what made us successful in the past. 
Bold Ones is an awe-inspiring and provocative keynote on how individuals can apply the innovations and disruptions occurring around them to become more dynamic and valuable. Specific, actionable techniques—from uncovering ‘secrets’ within your field, to designing experiments, to creating an unstoppable personal flywheel—that will help one evolve and excel will be shared.

# 3- The Future is Open: The Metaverse, Web3 & You

Are we ready for the next era of the Internet? An immersive, unified and interconnected digital world is in the making. The Metaverse is no longer a science-fiction construct. It will re-write new models of interaction, digital-native assets, commerce and experience. Yet, this is much more than a technological shift, but a cultural phenomenon that will impact human expression and behaviour.

Big tech and gaming companies are arming themselves in this battleground for the future. However, the Metaverse may not reach its massive potential without being truly open. Its convergence with Web3, a decentralized internet enabled by the blockchain, and its components (crypto, NFTs and more) may be the key to building the backbone and connective tissue for this new world.

In this awe-inspiring keynote, innovation strategist Shawn Kanungo dives deep into why The Metaverse & Web3 will shape the future, and how it will impact culture, business, technology and individuals. The future will favour the bold and brave.

#4 - Creating the Future, Together

Today, we are undergoing a paradigm shift. The world is becoming more dynamic, inter-twined and unpredictable. Organizations must develop an ecosystem approach to innovation, leveraging talent both inside and outside of the company, to navigate the future.
Shawn Kanungo provides a bold, unique and contrarian view of the near term-future. He outlines some of the disruptive forces (AI, Digital Business Models, etc.) that are impacting every industry. He then explores how organizations can become more adaptable, experimental and collaborative.
Weaving together storytelling, humor, inspiration and actionable takeaways, audiences will walk away with a roadmap on how organizations can create a brighter future, together.

#5 - Fearless Government

For decades, we have designed the public sector to be operationally excellent. Today, the game has changed. We are now looking for government to be fearless and an enabler for radical change.
From leveraging automation, ecosystem partnerships and the crowd, Shawn Kanungo paints a vision of how governments can be a catalyst for others to help them drive innovation. He will also help to make sense of the rapidly changing demographic, societal, economic, and technological trends shaping the future of government.
Sharing insights from leading organizations and his own experiences on the ground floor of driving transformation in government – Kanungo reveals the technologies, citizen expecta-tions and service delivery models that will drive the revolution.

#6 – The Geeks & the Freaks: The Age of AI and Infinite Leverage

We are on the brink of a revolution based on the meteoric rise of ChatGPT and Generative AI. These exponential technologies are transforming the way we communicate, collaborate, and create, revolutionizing industries around the world. However, when everyone has an AI co-pilot, who will stand out? Shawn argues that we need more freaks – leaders that are both unique and bold. 

With the rise of generative AI, cloud technologies and remote talent, we also entering into an age of infinite leverage where our work can be replicated at no cost, and we don’t need permission to get started. As a result, we can build exponential organizations - a new breed of businesses that can be more nimble, flexible, and highly leveraged.

In this provocative and counter-intuitive keynote, Shawn dives deep into the age of artificial intelligence and infinite leverage. He explores why this will shape the future, and how it will impact culture, business, technology and individuals. Ultimately, the future will favor the bold.

Be Bold, Be Brave, Be Experimental: Why Build a Culture of Experimentation

Competition is for losers. Today, our competitive global market is unforgiving and ruthless –no one is spared. Consumer expectations and behaviours, shaped by new market entrants, have also changed more in the last 10 years than in the last 100 years combined.

Disruptive innovation is forcing firms to reimagine their customer experiences, channel strategies and business models.

How do we survive? Today, we need to be bold, brave and experimental. We can only keep up if we foster a relentless culture that promotes human-centered design and rapid experimentation. This is our only competitive advantage.

In this session, you will:

  • Learn why this is the greatest (and scariest) time to be in business.
  • Learn why taking a human-centered approach helps build culture, but also de-risks projects by saving time and money.
  • Explore how the leading companies have embraced the power of competition and experimentation.
  • Learn from Shawn’s experience on the battleground of building culture with clients and internally.
  • Obtain methods and tools for transforming your organization’s culture.

Fear Kills Innovation

In this talk, Shawn discusses why fear always kills innovation. And today, when the improbable is the new normal, we can't be fearful because we are consistently seeing new challenges.

What will i teach my child about the future?

As an innovation strategist, Shawn Kanungo shows organizations how to disrupt before they are disrupted. In this heartfelt talk, Shawn shares the only constant advice he can provide to his daughter about a world that is ever changing.

The 0 to 100 Effect: How to Navigate through Disruption

Since the dawn of civilization, when converging technologies go from scarcity to abundance, the world fundamentally changes. We always see an explosion in new challenges, new behaviours and new opportunities. The only difference is that today, technologies are on an exponential scale.

From doctors to AI-assisted health, banks to blockchain, retail to Amazon’s Alexa, we will see the most chaotic era of commerce era. To navigate through disruptive time, we need relentless leaders to make digital part of their core business.

In this session, you will:

  • Understand how the convergence of exponential technologies are disrupting every industry.
  • Learn why timing is the most critical aspect when it comes to dealing with disruption.
  • Learn the secrets of how game-changing organizations exploit new problems.
  • Learn how organizations successfully experiment with technologies and business models at the edges.

We Are on the Brink of a Revolution: The Future of Government

For decades, we have designed our organizations and governments to be operationally excellent. Today, the game has changed. We are now looking beyond efficiency, and focusing on revolution.

Shawn Kanungo provides a bold roadmap for the future, and paints a vision of government in 2020. He will help to make sense of the rapidly changing demographic, societal, economic, and technological trends shaping the future of government.

Kanungo’s Deloitte team launched the Gov2020 website two years. Packed with 194 trends and 39 drivers, the site is a treasure trove of analysis, video and creative visualizations about the future.

Sharing insights from leading organizations and his own experiences on the ground floor of driving digital transformation in government – Kanungo reveals the technologies, citizen expectations and business models that will drive the revolution.

What you will learn:

  • Learn which current and emerging technologies are driving the world for both pri-vate and public sector organizations.
  • Develop the ability to identify the driving forces of predictable change.
  • Drive growth strategies from within government.
  • Viaja desde: Canadá

  • Rango: USD 20.001 to USD 40.000


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