Iván Duque is internationally recognized as a staunch promoter of democracy committed to the environment, the energy transition and the fourth industrial revolution.
In 2018, He won the 2018 presidential elections, at the age of forty-two, becoming the youngest president in the recent history of Colombia with more than 10 million votes, and a government program based on Legality, Entrepreneurship and Equity. As President, he attained some major achievements:
- A comprehensive strategy to manage the Covid-19 pandemic, achieving high vaccination rates, reactivation of the economy and employment, support for the most vulnerable and stabilization of public finances. In 2021, Colombia grew at a rate of 10.6%, a record in the last 115 years.
- The acknowledgment of Colombia as a leader in energy transition (leaving the country with a hundred times more wind and solar energy than in 2018); in circular economy, and in protected areas, achieving the largest maritime protected area in the world.
- Having launched a green taxonomy on the New York Stock Exchange (NSYE), positioning Colombia as the first country in the Western Hemisphere to achieve it.
- A solid entrepreneurship policy to favor business creation and a solid entrepreneurial ecosystem.
- The unrestricted support to Venezuelan migrants (granting one million Temporary Protection Permits - PPT), to alleviate the humanitarian crisis on the border.
Prior to becoming President, he held various positions in the public sector and in international organizations in Washington and was a renowned author, columnist and professor. He was head of the Culture, Creativity and Solidarity division of the Inter-American Development Bank (IDB), leading the agenda of social innovation, entrepreneurship, youth and creative economy. He was consultant to the presidency of the IDB and principal adviser for Colombia and Peru.
As a Senator, he was the author of 5 laws: the Orange Law, which promotes creative industries and culture as an engine for development; the Severance Law, which allows the use of severance payments to prepay the education of children and dependents; the Defibrillator Law, which requires the installation of resuscitators in public places and in emergency transport in Colombia; the Law of 'B Companies', which provides the conditions to create and develop commercial companies of Benefit and Collective Interest, and is co-author of the Law that extended maternity leave from 14 to 18 weeks.
An avid reader and a prolific writer. He is the author of 8 books (and some on the way), including “El Camino a Cero”, Colombia's strategy towards carbon neutrality; “IndignAcción”, ideas for the Colombia of the Future; “Monetary Sins”; “Machiavelli in Colombia”; “Orange effect”; “The Future is in the Center”; “Archeology of my Father”, and “Humanism Matters”. Likewise, he is co-author, along with Felipe Buitrago, of the book “The Orange Economy”.
He is a lawyer from the Sergio Arboleda University, with major studies in philosophy and humanities. He is an expert in economic issues, with executive studies at Harvard, and master's degrees from Georgetown, in Public Policy Management, and from American University, in Economic Law.
Due to his professional and academic background, he is respected as a true insider in Washington, especially on issues related to Latin America. His experience and reputation make him an exceptional advisor, with a deep understanding of the public sector and its effective partnership with the private sector. His leadership, innovative ideas, teamwork and excellent communication skills, consolidate him as an outstanding leader.
President Duque is undoubtedly one of the most prominent and influential names in Latin America. With a brilliant career, a promising future and an eloquence like no other, he definitely has a lot to share in his enriching and entertaining presentations. Instead of speeches, he prefers dynamic and visual presentations in the best TED style. In addition to being bilingual (Spanish and English) he is totally bicultural and global.